Planned Robot Versions
RR = Robot version
HH = Hardware version
SS = Software version
- 04.01 - Build differential drive using servos
and tune for waypoint driving using timing.
- .00 Basic hardware design for Debot4 -
- .01 Basic servo driven wheel code
- Test and measure straight, turn, and way point driving using servo timing only
- 04.02 - Improve differential drive using servos and wheel encoders.
Tune for waypoint driving using odometry.
- .00 Basic wheel encoder hardware
- .01 Basic wheel encoder code - Images
- Test and measure straight, turn, and way point driving using encoder data to adjust servo timing
- .02 Revisit servo control for wheels using wheel encoders
- I2C eeprom code to record and playback for data collection
- Document and adjust mcu controlled dead band, speed and
forward/reverse direction control.
- Test and document (no load/load rotation speed) Parallax continuous
rotation servos verses modified CWS servos from Junun
- Test and document
static resistor servo set up.
- Test and measure straight, turn, and way point driving using encoder data to adjust servo speed
- Test servo duty cycle speed control. 0/full cycling
- .03 Improve wheel encoder and code
- Adjust and document wheel encoder sectors per disk, distance
to disk, for wheel diameter and speed under load and no load
- Test and measure straight, turn, and way point driving using improved encoder data to adjust servo speed
- 04.03 - Improve differential drive robot by adding IR distance sensor on servo turrent.
- .00 IR sensor and servo turrent.
- .01 Follow perimeter using IR distance sensor on servo turret
- .02 Orientate to wall using distance sensor and odometry, stop
scan go.
- .03 Navigate to specific way points using odometry corrected by
orientation. No map knowledge before hand.
- Test and measure straight, turn, and way point driving using prior
improvements and improved navigation.
- .04 Map area.
If you have any questions or comments about this page please email me at: debots_replacethis_dinkdaze.org with at sign.