Debot3 - Plan Of Attack
- Goal - Low Cost and High Speed DPRG Table Top Competitor
- Strategy - sacrifice accuracy for cost and speed
- Objectives -
- Block diagram - Here
- Pin out - Here
- Physical construction diagram - Here
- Notes on power and signal distribution panel
- Move from A to B
- Supply Power
- 4AA and 6AA objective
- Motor capacitors
- Notes on H-Bridge
- Notes on PWM
- Mk3 design issues - reroute ccp
- Debot3 configuration
- capacitors
- cables
- 4AA or 6AA mount
- Motor power program
- Set duty cycle
- Go Speed Left, Speed Right
- Measure distance
- Notes on wheel encoders
- theory
- construction
- characteristics
- Mk3 design issues - none?
- Debot3 Configuration
- Encoder disk
- Cables
- Mounts and insulator
- Distance program
- Change of Port B ISR
- Go Distance Left, Distance Right
- Measure speed (keep straight)
- Notes on PWM as timer of wheel encoder signal
- Speed program
- Change of Port B ISR
- Go Speed Left, Speed Right
- Set Direction
- Mk3 design issues - hardwired H-Bridge input
- Notes on I2C
- Notes on I2C PIO
- Motor power program
- Set direction
- Go Speed +/- Left, Speed +/- Right
- Object avoidance
- Notes on proximity detectors
- Construction
- Characteristics
- MK3 design issues - none really
- Debot3 configuration
- stanchions
- cables
- patch panel
- Wall follower program
- Line detection
- Notes on line detectors
- Construction
- Characteristics
- Mk3 design issues - 3 built in, 1 external
- Debot3 configuration
- Line Follower program
- Dead Reckoning
- Refine speed
- Array average
- Running average
- Velocity profile
- Notes on I2C eeprom
- Refine distance
- Quick Trip program
- Attach servo and distance sensor
- Build Debot3b from what I've learned
- Recycle
- Mark III controller
- Sensor board
- Distance sensor
- Line sensor
- Screws
- Battery holders
- Make new
- Decks
- Stanchions
- Proximity sensors
- Wheel encoders
- Cables
- Patch panel,
- Use 2nd toy.
If you have any questions or comments about this page please email me at: debots_replacethis_dinkdaze.org with at sign.
