- Robot Plans
- Why Robots?
- To learn new things. Robotics combines many life-long
interests and areas of curiosity
- To get a better appreciation for the issues dealing with the
practical application of Artificial Intelligence and the design of
Artificial Life
- I love the do-it-yourself electronics and computer projects
- To understand microcontrollers on a machine/assembly
language level
- To ultimately do robot programming at a C++/Java level
- To be able to interface sensors to computers
- To understand some of the physics and mechanics of
- To be able to put together simple robots
- This is as social as I get
- I want to share what I find and encourage others
- I'd like to participate in events and meet some new people.
- Goals
- Evaluate and publish performance data for robots
- Explore and share - hacks and deconstructs
- Participate and complete in several competitions.
- Organization
- Pages on what I have done
- Robots - Each robot version gets it's own page
- Journal - robot related things
- Notes - Experiments, data, research and demos
- Events - Pages on events
- Someday the obligatory links page
- Brainstorming - Random ideas, notes
- What is a hobby robot?
- A robot that is built to MY specifications
- What is not a hobby robot?
If you have any questions or comments about this page please email me at: debots_replacethis_dinkdaze.org with at sign.
